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Serie af begivenheder Serie af begivenheder: wirewire


24. juli 2023| 20:00 - 21:00


in wirewire the boundaries between natural and synthetic, body and machine are disturbed through hysteria and distortion by insisting on that which is too much of a body, too much of a voice. electricity and movement are experienced as a sonic circuit, a thin flexible thread that is drawn out into form. a performance based on sound and contact improvisation.

the performance is a transhumanist experience. the body is an electrical transmitter that is connected to machinery. emotions and senses are used as a resource that generates sound. wires are both amplifying and distorting the movements in a disoriented soundscape. bodies that move in space move in relation to each other.

the bodies abstract themselves into something


they are

mimicking cats

angry dogs

a thin flexible thread that is drawn out

into form

as a hybrid between movement performance and noise concert. the smallest touch generates an immense effect when movement is an instrument itself. the electrical pulses from the synthesizers with bodies as carriers of technology. in the performance the body has its own voice; of noise, of hysteria, of taking up space and letting go.


Sigrid Rodian Poulsen er danser og kunstner, og arbejder med dans som en aktivistisk følsomhed. Gennem fysisk sanselighed og tålmodighed, forsøger hun at bryde med narrativer om den sociale krop, og derigennem forny hvordan materialer og situationer føles, smager, lugter og ser ud.
Sascha Trier Olsen er elektronisk lydkunstner og arbejder med lydgenerering som en emotionel praksis. Hendes arbejde centrerer sig om brugen af synthesizers og vokaler, i undersøgelser af forholdet mellem krop, vokal og elektronik.


24. juli 2023
20:00 - 21:00


Nyhavn 16Z
København K, 1051 Denmark
+ Google Maps