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Serie af begivenheder Serie af begivenheder: Kumulus Morpho + Imprint

Kumulus Morpho + Imprint

20. april 2023| 19:00 - 20:30

Two recently founded duos are presenting premieres of newly developed cross-disciplinary pieces. Coming from different art forms, music and dance, both groups display an exploration into relationships between body, sculpture, sound and figure.

by Sono Figures Society (Sarah Buchner & Marte Røyeng)

Two musicians dive headfirst into the world of musical puppet theater. Their self-built
puppets transform their shape throughout the piece –  from body, to instrument, to apparatus – tied together by non-verbal sound worlds from voices, objects and electronics.
The piece creates a peculiar, poetic, searching world.

What forces shape the identity of the continually re-composed puppets? Does the sound have power over the movements we see, or is it the other way around? Who has power over the bodies and the sounds they make?

20 min interval

by Lilli O`Reilly & Aoife McAleese

The forming, sculpting and molding of nature
It’s endless cycle

The continuous movement and fluidity of water
It’s meandering quality and forming of objects

The constant growth of intertwining moss
It’s rootless, highly adaptable strength

The explorative mind of a moving body
It’s ability to shape and be formed

A meeting between two moving bodies and a sculpture in space, exploring their coexistence and the possibility to impact and move each other. Inspired by the movement of water, nature’s growth and the transformational imprints which remain.

(Full programme approx. 90 minutes)

General: 75 kr.
Student/under 25/unwaged: 50 kr.
General ticket + extra contribution to artists: 100 kr.

Get tickets here:


20. april 2023
19:00 - 20:30
Forestilling Kategori:


Nyhavn 16Z
København K, 1051 Denmark
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